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GMU Copyright Office
Posted on September 23rd, 2012 at 12:26 am by and

The dissolving of something copyrighted is another type of identity theft. Before anything else happens, it is proper to find out the correct definition of copyright, a set of exclusive rights over music, literary works, and etc. It means that the creator has to know all the rules to protect their work and themselves from committing any legal crimes. There are multiple ways to protect oneself but only it it is done properly and legally. It is interesting to know how far securing personal information has been in existence. There have been multiple laws to prevent identity threat. However, the term “fair use” has to be thoroughly understood. Protection of work can also be applied with online work. The public domain delves into how things can go wrong, such as the instance of lost copyright and non-protected works. Regarding copyright, although the item can be registered and its symbol © can be put on the item, those are not mandatory things that have to be done. The TEACH Act is something which enrolled students are more familiar with because it gives them limited access to obtain materials needed for specific classes. Once the professor has provided the students with a secure password, the student have a set period to access the digital information. In short, educational purposes does not equate fair use. In addition, out-of-print does not mean out-of-copyright.

Altering Images for Certain Gains
Posted on September 16th, 2012 at 2:26 am by and

In his article “Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg? (Part One) Errol Morris states that Fenton had altered the second photograph by altering the landscape that had been originally photographed. In order for this deduction to be held at face value, one must understand how to notice whether a photograph had been altered, no matter how little or obvious of the change, and to also be able to deduce if a sequence of photographs have a specific order to them. However, unlike examples made by Fenton, people are not always given the opportunities to find the differences between genuine and deceptive instantly. Retouching of an image can most definitely alter its meaning and whether it really occurred or whether it was a hoax. Some photographers tend to be extremely dramatic in there images either to make an extreme point or to brutally misrepresent the person, place, or thing in which is the subject. However, like the letter written to his wife, Fenton provided the reader with theories about which picture would be the real one. Between the curators and authors, they are merely making assumptions regarding the order and what really happened right before the photographs were taken. Such descriptions can only curtail the curiosity of reality. The only dilemma is that while falsifying the information may be a media stunt, it does have mild to severe repercussions for the subject of the image. It can sometimes be daunting to how far a person will go just to perform some kind of ridiculous or scandalous acts of trickery.

Enhancing Analog with Digital Creations
Posted on September 10th, 2012 at 12:03 am by and

Although the past may been defined as an analog age of time and the world nowadays is more digital, the phrase “Don’t Be Left Behind” should continue to have a positive affect on people. This direct recount comes off like a double-edged sword in a sense that a person wants to be informed of anything contemporary and exciting yet still grappling with the fondness of retaining memories. Fortunately, it is not possible to forsake anything from the past. Digitalizing is a technique that is meant to preserve the frailty of history. There are many ways on spreading out history. For example, the Declaration of Independence is tucked away behind a highly secured case. The only way someone can take it home with them is to buy a copy of it from the gift store. On the other hand, many factors such as weather and lack of transportation could present reoccurring hinderances. When that happens, the person could learn a lot about its origin from the Internet in the meantime. They could use the Internet as a secondary source to visualize the Declaration and even learn more about the museum. It does not cut down the number of visitors to the museum; as a matter of fact, it can inspire someone to want to further investigate the museum and stand literally in history. Everyone is capable of partaking in technology. It comes naturally to conduct research online. In addition, communication plays an intense role on the Web. Meticulously planned Web Sites created for historical purposes make learning interesting and allow the viewer multiple ways of wanting more. Web sites are composed of visual images, videos, and text.

Digital history does not, however, throw out the idea of going to the actual destination. For example, there is no way to pinpoint exactly what happened on a battlefield even if present. Creating a detailed digital image with creating data and genuine facts gives an imprint and emotional account of what happened years ago. Now, digital history is a worldwide achievement; everyone who has access to a computer wherever they are could upload files and become immersed to the extensive account of what the past was like and gives them a new view of it.

How did the invention of the Ipad impact everyday life?



html Practice Post
Posted on September 6th, 2012 at 3:31 pm by and

This is an important header.

This is a less important header.

This is a paragraph.

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

This is bold text.

This is italic text.


Web Site: A Historical Transformation from Ancient Writing
Posted on September 3rd, 2012 at 12:12 am by and
     In the past, the only means of writing or finding information were through basic tools such as using paper and pencils. However, as we have progressed into the 21st century, modern technology has taken over human minds and captivated them into using a more convenient and active portal necessary for communication. Advanced tools such as the Internet, Apple products, and commercial markets such as Ebay and Amazon have given many people the power to obtain anything from the past, present, and future. In turn, a collaboration of ideas and sources have gone through changing hands on numerous occasions. Through technological advances, history is in the works of being spread around the world via Internet sources such as Web Sites. Unfortunately, common problems such as system crashes and Web Sites being pulled down, information can be concealed, making them mysterious and prone to performing disappearing acts. However, everything people enjoy and have come to depend on, tend to have both positive and negative side affects; in this case, technology is the basis for progress in the present and the future. Everything is constantly changing; nothing is the same for long. 

      Authors Daniel J. Cohen and Roy Rosenweigs describe their views in their essay, “A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting History the Past on the Web”, as the intricate process of posting images and specific information regarding said images. They use specific steps that go through the precise methods of perfecting ways to make history more accurate and accessible for other people to discover and research. However, just because web pages are not handwritten, it does not mean they intentionally havr no signs of personality or distinct visual impressions. Creating a web site is important because a person has control of what they want to put on it, just as long as it is not copyrighted or illegally obtained. Important proponents which is most useful for the design of such a web site is prominent. 
     The creation of how to conduct and operate a Web Site has become both great facination and importance. A Web Site is a fundamental way people search for information online. For example, many students are pretty much glued to the Internet whether for research for a school project or communicating with their endless list of friends on FaceBook. Times are changing both in the social environment and the real world. It is a fresh opinion when someone sets up a Web Site that could have been created for different purposes. It is the pathway towards concrete knowledge and how the information is changing. For example, is a commonly known Web Site that students consult for information regardless of the information known to be inaccurate and false. Yet, it is still used by students to review what they what to know before an assignment is due or the day before an exam. That is an example, though, of the downfall of Web Sites. On the other hand, Web Sites created by universities or organizations are always being monitored to provide the information is valid. Digital text, images, and mulitmedia are key objects on an Internet Web Site that defines it and makes learning about history exciting and active. Museums have Web Sites which provide its viewers a virtual tour of the exhibits inside it before they make a trip to the museum. Web Sites make the act of learning both valuable and artistic.
  1. The Social Impact of the Ipad in the 200s
  2. The Social Impact of Social Communication (Skype, FaceTime)
  3. The Social Impact of Android phones


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